thank you!


That means we SIGNIFICANTLY affected the outcome of statewide races:

JARED POLIS is Colorado’s first openly gay governor-elect (given that Colorado was formerly dubbed the “hate state” and Masterpiece cake sales aside, Jared’s orientation was not an issue or the subject of attack ads.)

PHIL WEISER is our Attorney General-elect.

JENA GRISWOLD is our Secretary of State-elect. She is also the first woman ever and the first Democrat elected to the seat since Eisenhower was President.

DAVE YOUNG is our State Treasurer-elect…

Meaning, a BLUE SWEEP of Colorado’s Statewide offices!


Locally, we re-elected JONATHAN SINGER as our State Representative for HD11. SONYA JAQUEZ LEWIS is now our State Representative-elect for HD12.

We now have a FULL BLUE MAJORITY in our State Legislature (the Colorado General Assembly), with 41 Democrats in the State House — the largest number since 1959. State Representative KC BECKER (HD13) will be our Speaker of the House and State Senator STEVE FENBERG (SD18) will be our Senate Majority Leader. Our legislature now proudly has its first transgender member, BRIANNA TITONE (HD27) and its first openly gay Latina ROCHELLE GALINDO (HD50) 

WATCH FOR GUN SAFETY, OIL & GAS REGULATION, and other bills promoting COMMON-SENSE  COLORADO VALUES coming your way!

KAREN MCCORMICK (Congress – 4th) and TIM KRUG (State Board of Education, CD4) gave VALIANT and PRINCIPLED FIGHTS. We CONGRATULATE them both for working so hard to connect to voters all over the 4th Congressional District. That knowledge is invaluable.

LESLEY SMITH is CU Regent At Large — the only Regent with faculty experience!

Boulder County continues to boast an impressive roster of Democratic public servants. We are grateful.:

MIKE DOUGHERTY Boulder County District Attorney

MATT JONES — Boulder County Commissioner, District 3

MOLLY FITZPATRICK — Boulder County Clerk

CYNTHIA BRADDOCK — Boulder County Assessor

JOE PELLE — Boulder County Sheriff

EMMA HALL — Boulder County Coroner

PAUL WEISSMANN — Boulder County Treasurer

LEE STADELE — Boulder County Surveyor



DISAPPOINTMENTS: Amendment V (Reduce Age Qualification for Legislative Members), Amendment 73 (Education Funding), Amendment 110 (Transportation Tax), and Proposition 112 (2500 ft Fracking Setback) all failed to pass.

BUT, A DEMOCRATIC MAJORITY in Colorado’s General Assembly might address what these measures were trying to.

THANKFUL that Amendment 74 did not pass! If it had, Oil and Gas would have been able to do whatever it wanted in Colorado. Also thankful 109 didn’t pass — a bad transportation bill, with no way to fund it.

ALSO THANKFUL we finally rid our Constitution of slavery (Amendment A), we passed redistricting reform (Amendments Y & Z), we designated Industrial hemp as statutory (Amendment X), and we put a cap on payday loan costs (Proposition 111).


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