March Minutes



HELD MARCH 5, 2008

A Regular Meeting of the Members of Longmont Area Democrats was held March 5, 2008 at the Longmont Public Works Center 375 Airport Road, Longmont, Colorado 80503, commencing at approximately 7:03 p.m.

A Regular Meeting of the Members of Longmont Area Democrats was held March 5, 2008 at the Longmont Public Works Center 375 Airport Road, Longmont, Colorado 80503, commencing at approximately 7:03 p.m. CALL TO ORDER

The meeting was called to order by President Marilyn Hughes who presided. Board Secretary Jack Wolfe, acted as Secretary of the meeting.

Seventeen members and guests were present.


President Hughes announced the following upcoming meetings:

– Sen. Shafer Town Hall Meeting in Lafayette

– Coloradoans Against Resource Destruction (in-situ leaching uranium mining)

– Clean Energy Action, with member, Ivan Meek, speaking

– Joan Fitzgerald Fundraiser

Bob Norris reported that Community Food Share needed volunteers to act as greeters for their upcoming food drive – March 12-25.

Dale Lanin asked for support for Sen. Dorgan’s resolution in Congress to reverse the FCC decision allowing consolidation of the media. More info can be found at


President Hughes introduced Boulder County Clerk and Recorder, Hillary Hall, who spoke on various issues in the election process. The County is expecting a large turnout in November, election judges are needed, and you can sign up on-line. The Clerk’s office also is encouraging voting by mail to minimize the load on election day. You can sign up once to vote by mail every year until you move or tell them otherwise.

Hillary then reported on the recertification process for voting machines and ballot counting machines that the Colorado Secretary of State’s Office was going through, the reasons why, and some of the problems that had been encountered. She noted that the legislature also was working on a plan for all paper ballots; this will not have a negative impact on Boulder County, but some other counties have a real problem with this.

Finally, Hillary reviewed the voting process used at the election.



President Hughes called the attention of those present to the list of resolutions that were being recommended to the members by the Board of Directors. These, together with those previously adopted will become in essence the platform of the Association, setting out the core beliefs. She noted that since there was no quorum present, there could be no vote tonight. Following discussion, it was the consensus of those present that the resolutions be place on the LAD website and that they be included in the notice of the May, 2008 meeting, at which time they will be voted upon if there is a quorum present.

President Hughes asked for volunteers to assist the Board with publicity.

The next meeting will be April 2nd, when the Longmont Mayor and Mayor-Pro-Tem will give an overview of the recent Council Retreat and speak on where they see the City going.


There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was adjourned at approximately 8:12 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Jack P. Wolfe

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